Squad Programme

First of all, being asked to be part of a squad is a privilege few children achieve.  It is also a responsibility that we at HGC take very seriously.  We have two types of squads – women’s artistic and men’s artistic


Children who are invited into a HGC squad generally show certain attributes required for gymnastics, including:


          Shape / Attitude / Strength / flexibility & Confidence


We then spend some time assessing the most appropriate route for them.  Our suggestions are always based upon what we consider to be best for your child and no matter what we suggest, they will become fitter, they will learn many essential life skills and they will develop friendships which often last a lifetime – all of which are a recipe for a successful future.



When your child is first selected for a squad the emphasis is still very much on fun.  However, your child will now be encouraged to challenge themselves and work on perfecting skills rather than simply achieving them.


Physical preparation (or conditioning) is a focus in every session and your child will be continually monitored to see how they adapt to the change in training.


This an exciting time for gymnasts as they will begin to make new friendships and to learn impressive new skills.


What happens next?


By assessing the attitude and overall development of your child, the coaches can then determine the correct route and in future months and years the hours, days and times of training will be adjusted to suit their personal development and competition level.


The work they undertake and the skills they learn are directly proportionate to their own development, attitude and work ethic.  In short, the harder they work and the more they ‘want it’ the more they will achieve.  The most important thing for us is that your child continues to enjoy gymnastics and develop new skills.


However, gymnastics is a sport that really does reward the amount of effort you put in and it is at this stage that the commitment of the child becomes more important, as does the support of their family and those closest to them.


What competitions do they do?


The competitions they are entered in will depend upon the grade or level that gymnasts are working at and your child’s personal coach’s plan for the year.  Gymnasts are only ever entered for competition if they are ready and able to compete at their best.


So what does the future hold for my child?


There are so many factors to take into consideration and gymnastics is a complex and difficult sport so it is difficult to predict.


However, if you do gymnastics because you love it, you’ll always be a winner, no matter what happens.


What we do know is that gymnastics offers a lot more than fun and fitness.  In addition to all the more obvious benefits and success at competitions, gymnasts have the opportunity to go on to become coaches themselves and gain nationally recognised qualifications.


Above everything, you will get to see your child grow into a fit, healthy, happy and well balanced individual who is able to cope with the many pressures life presents them.

Harlow Gymnastics Club Payment Structure
HGC Payment Structure (3).pdf
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© Peter James